
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Dreader196210/08/2009 3:05:11 pm PDT

re: #451 Walter L. Newton

Thinly sourced? The source was Robert Fisk at the Independent. Whether Fisk was right or wrong, wouldn’t he be considered a major source? Maybe I’m wrong.

Yes, but apparently Fisk didn’t source what he reported.

Check this out:

Politico: Whodunit?

Fisk’s story itself isn’t much help in solving the mystery — it is sourced vaguely to “Gulf Arab and Chinese banking sources in Hong Kong,” and it included one blind quote, attributed to “a prominent Hong Kong broker.” That doesn’t narrow down the pool very much.

To be fair, Drudge has this article on his site, but that could just be continued self-promotion.