
CPAC 2011, Day 2

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/11/2011 3:17:10 pm PST

re: #452 Lidane


It’s okay for white people to be anti-colonial, but the second anyone darker than a loaf of Wonder Bread gets anti-colonial ideas, well, we can’t have that. They might become Islamic terrorists, or commies, or worse, Islamic commies.

Well what I don’t get is that it’s D’Souza the son of Indian immigrants who originated this nonsense. I agree it’s racial but it’s just weird that D’Souza whose parents no doubt lived under British colonial rule would act like this. Honestly, I think it’s pathetic really. Obama’s detractors including him say he (Obama) is angry and taking his anger out on us. The only angry people I see are these nuts who are spreading the lies.