
Overnight Open Thread

kirkspencer7/24/2011 8:54:40 am PDT

re: #450 JJ42

Police press conference about Utya shootings right now: Shooting started about 17:30. The swat team arrived on the island by boat 18:25. The killer was apprehended 18:27, with no shots fired. He still possessed a substantial amount of ammunition, but chose to surrender when called out. Judging from his manifesto, he was expecting ‘martyrdom’ at the hands of the police. I think it’s quite impressive that they got him alive. Usually these kinds of killers take their own life rather than surrendering (only to be executed later.) If Norway had the death penalty, I suspect he would have killed him self, or chosen “death by cop”

No, read his manifesto. He specifies that the operative should surrender to police if caught and avoid shooting it out. First, because if it goes to trial that’s another opportunity to “tell the truth” (push propaganda). Second, because alive always has the chance of escape or rescue letting the operative do more, later.