
Tim Blair, Investigative Reporter

Guanxi884/27/2010 1:53:19 pm PDT

re: #453 McSpiff

I would say your neighbor got off extremely lightly. He’d be sitting in jail around here. Another reason I’d never move to Texas I guess..

Yeah, it took a bit of getting used to, Texas and its way of looking at things. In this case, the state’s famous “Castle Doctrine” would be applicable, as the attempted breaking and entering was still committed when it was dark (morning, but around 5 a.m. or so), but I think everyone was better served by the starter pistol explanation.

Now, had his rounds gone and struck another person or property unintentionally, there’d be Hell to pay, of course. Still, it’s a good deal.

When I lived in Hyde Park, MA, gunfire did not cause me to go and see what was wrong.