
The Bob & Chez Show: Goodbye

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷3/01/2017 5:37:39 pm PST

re: #446 Timothy Watson

Because people who think Hillary is coming for their guns so she can force them to gay-marry are really going to believe her…

JFC, I need to increase my aspirin budget.

I’ll just quote a small section of Mr. Wright’s post and leave it at that. He makes the same arguments I do (but much more eloquently).

Look at that map.

Look at that sea of fear.

Democrats, liberals, progressives, they lost because they ignored reality. Because they dismissed that red sea as unimportant. Because they dismissed those fears as ridiculous. Because they saw the whole middle of the country as nothing but a bunch of ignorant hicks, dumb rednecks, and unimportant. Because they were confident they’d win the popular vote.

That, that right there, is why they lost.

And that, that right there, is why they will continue to lose.

All politics are local.

Liberals, progressives, democrats, are going to have to show up. At town halls. At community meetings. At local elections. At school boards. Everywhere in that sea of red, and they are gong to have to address those fears.