
Congressman Ted Lieu Rocks the Jim Jefferies Show: "Trolling the President"

Targetpractice10/19/2017 11:28:22 am PDT

So Kellywise the Clown crawls form the sewer to correct us on Trump’s classless phone call:

Conway appeared to acknowledge that Trump did, in fact, say the soldier knew what he signed up for, arguing the problem is instead that the media is leaving out the “full quote.” Conway pointed to Wilson’s own account of the conversation, pointing out the president followed up with some variation of “it’s never easy or it’s very difficult.”

“It’s just the haters being presumptively negative, as they always are,” Conway said. “But you know what’s tragic? That family just suffered a loss … and yet it gets immediately politicized because people of privilege think they can score cheap political points against the president.”

“That’s what we do find to be most disgraceful,” she added.

No Kelly, what’s disgraceful is you dropped this turd on live TV just a day after the family came out and confirmed Wilson’s recall of events and stated how upset they were over the call. In effect, you’re following your boss in accusing the family of being liars and showing even less class than he by accusing them of trying to “score cheap political points.”

Conway said Trump followed protocol of prior administrations, despite Trump himself claiming on Saturday that previous presidents did not reach out to the families of fallen soldiers.

“Sometime you call, sometimes you write, sometimes you go in, you receive the fallen soldier in a casket with an American flag draped on it, everyone, for a reason—the American flag is there for a good reason,” Conway said.

Even when the victims in this whole mess are black, Kelly can’t avoid firing up that air raid siren.

“You know what’s in his heart,” Conway insisted.

Enough cholesterol to clog Niagra Falls.