
Cory Wong // "Treehouse" (Feat. Phoebe Katis)

Sir John Barron3/11/2020 9:52:15 am PDT

re: #446 Khal Wimpo (the extinguisher of tiki torches)

Just paged this:

We all know the pattern by now.

Trump/Fox/Rush/Republicans, finally face-to-face with a reality they dismissed, denied, attacked, mocked and ignored … will now try to convince America that THEY NEVER SAID WHAT THEY SAID.

[Embedded content]

It is absolutely ESSENTIAL that we preserve & maintain the receipts in the weeks and months to come, as the COVID-19 virus spreads across America, overloading hospitals and killing thousands - if not HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS - of Americans. (Note: I didn’t say millions. Not yet. The death toll won’t hit millions until a year from now, and by then Trump will either be out of office, or dead himself.)

They’ll try to squirm and wriggle and deflect the blame onto the Democrats for a crisis that they claimed would never be a crisis.

Does the fact that Drump is wearing a campaign cap during this time for these specific virus related events not concern anyone in the GOP or the media?

I know, I know…..