
Overnight Open Thread

Silvergirl3/05/2010 7:55:20 am PST

After reading various articles on the Pentagon shooter and the comments following them, plus blog comments, I can’t help seeing the strong push to categorize this guy and claim him as anything but one of us. Yes, personalities are formed by the families people we’re born into, religions we follow, and ideologies we’re drawn to, but we have to realize the good and sane people that make up our world. If someone is a member of the KKK, it’s one thing. If they happen to be from one of our southern states, it’s another. Left wing is one thing, and Bill Ayers is another. Right wing is one thing, Tim McVeigh is another. The energy expended on pushing these crazies away from having any identification with those beliefs we hold near and dear, and foisting the crazy onto those other guys is overblown. Where does it stop? I noticed from his birthdate that his astrological sign is Taurus. One article said the guns he used were a Sturm 9mm and a Taurus 9mm. Taurus again. All you Taurus people hang your heads. He’s one of you. The labeling gets to be just too much.