
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): 'We Are In the Last Days'

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks7/19/2011 3:12:31 am PDT

re: #453 Cannadian Club Akbar


Pretty brutal stuff, and not immediately obvious with the way you worded it. Not too much different than footage seen filmed by the Third Reich, but still just as ugly and reprehensible.

I’m not trying to stomp your nuts, but prefacing such a clip with “Ah. Lovely video of the Taliban. The beauty starts at about the :45 mark.” really does not convey the kind of horror and brutality contained therein.

As real and as evil as that shit is, it is graphic beyond a simple “NSFW”. There is blood, guts, brains, and faces being mutilated by multiple rounds.

I have no wish to diminish the reality of such horrors. They exist, without question. My only intent is to ask you to link such things with greater caution, and with a clearer warning of what the viewer is about to see.

On that note, I seek sleep. Goodnight, all.