
Palin Reacts to Akin Flap With Bizarre Disconnected Rant

Kragar8/22/2012 9:46:21 am PDT

Barber: Polygamy and Incest are ‘Inevitable’ if Gay Marriage is Legalized

On today’s “Faith and Freedom” program, Matt Barber declared that gay activists don’t actually want marriage equality but rather are interested in “deconstructing the Judeo-Christian notion of marriage as marriage has always been.”

In fact, Barber claimed, the institution of marriage has always been about restricting which sorts of relationships are legitimate, which is why “people can’t marry children, people can’t marry close relatives, people can’t marry their favorite pet.” Barber then warned that if “we’re going to break the institution of marriage and radically redefine it” then “polygamy is inevitable if same-sex marriage becomes the law of the land and we can no longer have prohibitions on incestuous marriage”:

Someone is projecting a tad.