
The GOP doesn't want Americans to know anything about its candidates

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/22/2013 3:43:38 pm PDT

re: #41 erik_t

Of course you need control of or cooperation with all three branches of government to pass legislation and move the country forward, but you really only need to hold one to obstruct. Maybe the Republican Party simply doesn’t need to seek the Presidency anymore.

The big busiess interests are actually really regretting their tea party support now. They don’t know what the fuck they’re doing.

A guy I know— wouldn’t call him a friend— is a lobbyist for mining companies, and he said that his clients don’t know what the fuck to do. All they’ve ever known is ‘pay to try to get the Republican elected’ but then the Republican winds up getting a sequester that means the department of weights and measures takes an extra few weeks to certify some equipment which costs them hundreds of thousands of dollars, etc. etc. Big industries depend heavily on government.