
New York Times Calls for "Shrill" Critics to Stop "Vilifying" Edward Snowden

lawhawk1/02/2014 12:18:28 pm PST

re: #38 Amory Blaine

He didn’t blow any fucking whistles. Anyone who hasn’t been asleep for the last ten years knew all this shit was going on.

Some of Greenwald’s “exclusives” turned out to be things we already knew were going on - like SWIFT (for financial transactions) and that the feds were monitoring overseas communications.

Heck, the federal law and regulations organizing the NSA say that its mission is to gather intel by all means at its disposal. The NSA website:

The NSA/CSS core missions are to protect U.S. national security systems and to produce foreign signals intelligence information.

That means spying.

And we’re hardly alone in that department.