
Video: Rachel Maddow Digs Deeper Into the Christie Scandal Timeline

Ziggy_TARDIS1/09/2014 9:53:49 pm PST

Been thinking about something for a while, finally put on FB, with an article link.

I have to wonder how the American Libertarian and Conservative Christians are reacting to this. So often in the US, we see these so-called-“Christians” promoting politics that care so little for others weaker circumstances, whether it be regards to income, health, or circumstances. In the end, people must choose between God and the Golden Calf. For some American Christians, they may have an extremely hard time. Or they will go to a more “convienent” form of Christianity.

However, the same mindset exists among Muslims as well. look at so, so many of the Gulf States. They have so much wealth, and yet, look at their neighbors. Yemen, with heavy poverty and conflict, and Jordan, bereft of Natural Resources, and barely coping with a staggering number of Syrian Refugees. Instead, they spend billions of dollars for bloated shows of wealth, like the inelegant monstrosity of the Great Mosque in Mecca (which, by the way, is totally against the modesty they oh so claim to promote.), and spreading piffle that Damages the Muslim World like nothing else. Piffle that has no love or care, but just cold rules that make for a very sad world.They claim to have lots of faith, buit in reality they have faith that may be 5 km wide, but only 4 millimeters deep.

Of course, the best thing the US could do this is to stop supporting nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the UAE. They do such great harm to the Muslim World, and have done harm to the United States.