
John Oliver Smashes the Final Taboo: How Is Daylight Saving Time Still a Thing?

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/09/2015 2:42:01 pm PDT

One thing that seem to be repeating quite frequently among wingnut memes is that public commerce is somehow “private” and equality in commerce is not protected.

Today’s example:

Oklahoma Senator: Not All Businesses Have to Serve LGBT People

From his own website:

Yes I did say that homosexuals do not have the right to be served in every store, just as I do not believe that I, my family, or anyone else have the right to be served in every private business. The right to provide services should be the decision of the business owners. We need to keep our country free and stop this radical, intolerant, movement.

Well, gee, what if I don’t like black people. Can I refuse to serve them?

What if I think Jews are “Christ-killers” and are anathema to my religion - can I turn them down?