
Monday Night "Total Loss" Open Thread

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam11/09/2015 7:55:18 pm PST

re: #31 Charles Johnson

Remember though - he’s definitely not a racist or a white supremacist. Even though he sounds exactly like one.

Mathematically, the comment makes very little sense. IQ within any random population falls along the standard distribution curve (the “bell curve”). But the population of immigrants arriving in the USA is not random. It’s a self-selecting group, and you could just as easily find their average IQ would be slightly above the American national average. (Which is 100, by design, because IQ tests are normed examinations.)

Meanwhile, the population of the USA is about 320 million. About 1 million people immigrate to the USA each year, which is 0.3% of the US population — a tiny fraction that will do little to “change” the average IQ of the nation.

Chuck’s argle-bargle is just a science-y way of saying “brown and black people are inferior to whites. Asians get a pass, because the women are HOTT.”