
Russia Wants the US to Withdraw From NATO, and Oddly Enough, So Does Donald Trump

Myron Falwell1/15/2019 11:48:18 am PST

re: #31 ObserverArt

A response to a comment from last thread.

I made similar comments last week.

This is heading fast too “all politicians suck” territory due to frustration with the shutdown. Too often that comes out meaning I’m going to vote the way I always vote.

Sure I want the Democrats to stay strong. And they are, but this country is stupid when it comes to politics.

We also still have a both-sides do it media.

What a fucking mess…created like you say, by a psychopath.

At what point does the both-sider-ism factor into this? If opinion is already starting to be baked in that this is all Trump and the GOP’s fault… and it kinda is…