
Colbert: Flynn, Powell Pushed the Military to Seize Control After T**** Lost the Election

No Malarkey!11/17/2021 11:45:42 am PST

re: #43 Mattand

Need some COVID-related travel advice:

Heading to the in-laws for Thanksgiving (shoot me now). I’m traveling solo and have a choice between renting a car and driving (12 hours over two days) or flying (PHL to SAV, 2.5 hour flight, probably 2 hours in PHL concourse.)

Both are not doing great health-wise; he’s gots early Alzheimer’s and she’s got COPD and will be getting minor valve replacement in the near future. This is in SC, which isn’t FL in terms of COVID insanity, but it ain’t NJ, PA or NY either. Both are vaccinated (shocking, given the amount of Fox News her mom watches.)

I’m leaning towards driving as a way to cut down on potential COVID exposure, in the theory that being by myself most of time will limit that. My big worry about flying isn’t so much the plane but the petri dish that is the airport proper.

Am I being overly paranoid/cautious about flying? As much as I don’t like her mom, I’m not real big on accidentally killing anyone by tracking COVID into the house.

If you have gotten the booster and keep your mask on, I think you are ok to fly. But that’s just my personal opinion.