
Video: Stephen Colbert Calls Out His Own Network for Hiring Trump Flunky Mick Mulvaney

ericblair4/01/2022 11:57:16 am PDT

re: #40 Dopamine Fish

What’s interesting to me is that, despite that explicit assistance from China, Russia is still losing. We all wondered where Russia’s vaunted cyberattack capabilities were at the beginning of the war; it seems like Ukraine managed to weather the attack, but also that Putin’s forces were so weak that even a Ukrainian military bogged down by IT issues was able to beat them back. That might also explain the early successes before Ukraine was able to get its feet under itself.

We probably won’t know for a long time how much help Ukraine got from Western powers here, both as training and upgrades beforehand and as operational assistance during the war. I agree, I expected Ukrainian networks to go down hard and stay down, but it didn’t happen.