
German Reporter to Inhofe: 'You're Ridiculous'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)12/19/2009 11:32:44 am PST

re: #38 aristopheles

Let’s agree to disagree then. If the operating principle is, “I approve of gross professional misconduct - as long as I agree with the motivating position,” there’s really no common ground.

That is not my operating principle, and it’s dishonest of you to state it for me.

I like it when reporters can see bullshit and call it what it is. It’s this weird thing I have. I do not think people spouting crazy conspiracy theories need to be treated in any respectful manner. I think they can, and should, be called ridiculous.

And you should read judicial decisions sometimes— like the ones handed down to Taitz. They get pretty personal.