
A Reply to David Frum

Walter L. Newton12/23/2009 10:21:51 am PST

re: #37 Jaerik

That comes across a bit too close-minded to get through to anyone, so I offer you a more targeted statement as an alternative:

I probably wouldn’t vote for anyone who said they believe G-d has a part in public policy.

Well, thank you for putting words in my mouth.

If I was a dishonest person, a dishonest politician, then maybe I would use your suggested language “I probably wouldn’t vote for anyone who said they believe G-d has a part in public policy.”

But no, I think mystical thing is a flaw in human intelligence, and if I had my way, if it was MY perfect world, I don’t want candidates putting any “faith” of any sort in a deity.

And at the same time, most Lizards here know that I am extremely respectful of other Lizards who have a belief in G-d. I even use the “G-d” form most of the time in deference to our Jewish Lizards.

My statement is honest, but I realize I can’t get my way all the time. But I’m not going make statements like you suggested just to be more ecumenical.