
Jon Stewart Explains John McCain's Mad Genius Plan

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce4/07/2010 6:06:02 pm PDT

I really am starting to feel like a sucker for admiring John McCain. I wanted to vote for him in 2008 until he brought out the homunculus. That was a shocker. It sure seemed like an extremely cynical ploy to court the religious right. As it happens, I didn’t vote at all.

Even after his campaign got Palinized, there were several moments that stood out to me. He was at a campaign stop or town hall thing somewhere, and a woman in the audience claimed that Obama was “an Arab”. He was quick to shut her down politely, but firmly. I also thought his concession speech was quite classy, and I was more than annoyed when the shitheads in the audience yelled all through it and booed toward the end as soon as he said
the word “Obama”.

But now he’s acting just like any other disingenuous, pandering politician.