
Jon Stewart Achieves the Nearly Impossible

Nyet11/19/2010 2:26:00 pm PST

re: #45 Gus 802

According to Beck the Velvet, Orange, and Rose Revolution are a bad thing? The Velvet Revolution was an anti-communist movement and led to the collapse of the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia.

The Orange Revolution in the Ukraine was in response to rampant election fraud in 2004. The Open Society Institute was involved but so was the International Republican Institute which is chaired by John McCain and is a conservative organization in the USA.

The Rose Revolution in Georgia led to ouster of former Soviet puppet Eduard Shevardnadze who led Georgia as a member of the Union of Citizens of Georgia which was formerly a part of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

EXACTLY. Russian ultra-patriots always say that the latter two are “American” revolutions (always condemning them). I had a distinct impression these revolutions were supported by the American public. Although, to put it kindly, the results of the revolutions are mixed, I am very surprised that someone on the “mainstream” American right breaks the support narrative. I would perhaps expect someone like Buchanan to say this. It’s more in line with Napolitano condemning Bush.