
Deep Oceans Releasing Large Amounts of Heat

lostlakehiker12/16/2010 2:07:57 pm PST

re: #25 BigPapa

The alarmism is real. This is seriously impacting my decision to have children.

It’s very depressing.

You should have children anyhow. We here in America are going to need to do some heavy lifting down the road, both to mitigate the problem, and simply to cope with what it’s going to be doing to us. A person has hands and eyes as well as a mouth.

We stand in the place Archimedes asked for, next to a lever that can move the world. We’ll need the strength to do it.

People whose circumstances put them squarely in the bulls-eye, and who will not be able to educate any child they might have to where it could do anything about the problem, face a different equation.