
Tech Corner: iPad 2 Springs Forth

garhighway3/02/2011 3:29:07 pm PST

re: #35 elizajane

Breaking news! Buddy Roemer announces that he will form an exploratory committee for the 2012 presidential election! Millions of readers exclaim, “Who?? Wasn’t he the one who David Duke beat in an election, oh, a few decades back, after which he retired into even more utter obscurity?”

Such is the Republican field today that even he thinks he’s got a chance. Sheesh.

All across America, thousands of Republican politicians are lying awake in their beds, night after night, thinking “What the hell… why not me? If Mike Huckabee can be a serious candidate, so can I! I should form a committee!”

The first televised GOP primary debate is going to be a massive hoot: 20, maybe 25 guys, all jockeying to see who can out-yahoo the others. It’ll be a massive race to the bottom.