
The Overweening Gall of Mitt Romney

simoom5/08/2012 10:14:51 am PDT

Many here are probably aware that Romney gave 10K to NOM back in 2008 during the Prop 8 fight:

Romney donated $10,000 to the National Organization for Marriage, Fehrnstrom said.

“The governor feels strongly that marriage is an institution between a man and a woman, and one of the most high-profile fights on this subject is happening in California,” Fehrnstrom said.

The contribution from Romney, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is “completely unconnected” to the church’s own involvement in the issue, Fehrnstrom said.

Perhaps this was just calculated election year positioning & pandering but obviously that kind of money had real consequences in that it helped fund NOM’s campaign to tear marriage rights away from gay Californians.

Out of curiosity I paged back through NOM’s YouTube channel to see what sort of TV ads Romney was financing and here are some samples from their Prop 8 efforts:

Youtube Video

Youtube Video

Youtube Video

They’re all essentially variations on, “they’re coming for your children!”

Does anyone know if any reporter has ever asked Romney to answer for funding this sort of slime?