
Bain Press Release Described Romney as 'Part-Time' CEO in July 1999

Targetpractice7/13/2012 1:32:30 pm PDT

re: #37 Charles Johnson

Romney wants us to believe that while he was managing Bain Capital everything was rosy — but all the stuff they’re being criticized for happened after he left. That’s what this is essentially about. He’s trying to duck responsibility for the worst stuff Bain has done.

That’s why it’s been so difficult for him to come up with a coherent response. He can’t really admit that this is his purpose.

He can’t even prove that the “good” things that happened at Bain happened under his direction. To do that would require Bain to open the books, and that’s just not gonna happen. So we’re apparently supposed to take his word that any good investments, any good outcomes, were totally at his order and he personally led them to clear waters. But anything “bad” that happened, he either wasn’t involved or wasn’t at Bain when it happened.

So much for “the buck stops here,” huh?