
Onion Week in Review: RNC Edition

Achilles Tang9/16/2012 5:18:56 pm PDT

re: #34 Killgore Trout

Terrorists demands the world respect their religious sensibilities.

Clashes Over Prophet Film; Hizballah Urges Demos

I have developed certain sentiments about the Catholic church these past few years, substantiated by their latest cries about War on Region. I Used to hold Islam in contempt, in spite of having called some Muslims friends when in the M.E.; then some people like CL made me realize that, however strange the connection, I should not generalize so.

Now, unfortunately, I find myself back pigeonholing them along with the Papists regardless of the distinctions in violent expressions so far.

Name one war, or simmering war, these days that does not have a religious foundation (and don’t call it cultural instead).

This is general rant, not specifically directed at you.