
Video: Glenn Beck Yearns for Civil War

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)1/15/2013 9:51:30 pm PST

re: #35 HappyWarrior

And remind me how it’s Obama that’s trying to radically change America because of his own petty anger? Really, changing the way EVs are awarded just reeks of sour grapes and I hope if somehow they succeed at it, it ends up biting them in the ass later and we can say “Hey you wanted it.” Funny how they never had a problem with the status quo when they had candidates that weren’t shitty like McCain and Romney.

It will be interesting in how they try to sell this on the national level. If they say “it’s more representative to split up the EV in each state” then the immediate response is to point out that they are only espousing it in the states that have GOP state legislature majorities that just so happen to go Democratic overall for POTUS (and often Senate) elections. If it’s such a good idea why isn’t Texas and the rest of the GOP-controlled states doing it?