
National Review Writer Upset Because Donald Trump Isn't Saying the Magic Words

Nerdy Fish9/11/2015 7:29:45 am PDT

re: #439 HappyWarrior

I think the first plane hit the building towards the end of my first period math class. Obviously the TVs weren’t on then but by the time I got to my next class, world history the TV was on and everyone was just stunned. I don’t know if other schools did this but we got sent home for the day. I walked home and my mom who is a lifer in the federal government was there as were my grandparents. It was just stunning. My Dad tells me he found out about it listening to Howard Stern and thinking it was a re-run because of the ‘93 attack.

The first plane would’ve hit while I was in my first period class. My second period class started just after the second plane hit; I know, because this was the moment I found out. While I was at my locker exchanging books, my second-period teacher ran next door to another classroom and asked the teacher inside, “Did you see that? Another one just hit!” It was at that point that I officially knew something bad had happened. I sprinted across the hall from my locker to the classroom, just in time to see a replay of a large airliner exploding against the face of the South Tower on live TV. We stayed in school; our fifth period English teacher did not have the TV on, but we talked about world politics and events instead of actual class topics. The rest of the day we spent watching. That night, at work in our little small-town hardware store, I watched the President’s address from a TV we turned on in our Radio Shack display.