
Overnight Video: The Spinners, 'Mighty Love'

Birth Control Works7/26/2011 11:00:49 am PDT

re: #458 Lidane

Ironically, one of the benefits of being a poor grad student has been an improvement in my eating habits. With my internship schedule, I’m on a semi-regular schedule for when I eat, I bring my lunch to work daily, and the lack of funds means that I go grocery shopping for the healthiest foods I can afford and I cook at home.

I also have all but eliminated fast foods apart from the occasional trip to Subway or some other sandwich shop. Fast food is expensive and I’d rather spend the same money on better food to cook with.

That’s not to say I’m a saint. I’m still tremendously addicted to coffee and I drink a diet soda at lunch. And I still have a sweet tooth. I’m just trying to make better choices out of need instead of blowing it all on burgers and fries.

The salad bar at the grocery store is cheap and good! I’ve even gone in a bought a single banana and a single yogurt. I could get the plastic spoon at the deli.