
Right Wing Reactionary Defeats Even More Reactionary Right Winger in Mississippi

Kragar6/25/2014 10:17:16 am PDT

Right Wing Watch reported that Murray went so far as to claim that Christian Americans are fleeing the U.S. for a better life in Russia, away from the “scourge” of LGBT rights.

“My mother was not intellectually an atheist; she was a Marxist, and that Marxism did not come about from rigorous study, but rather from unemployment,” Murray wrote, claiming that he was raised in “a Marxist home where the vodka did flow and America, free enterprise and God were despised.”

He went on, “Having been a part of the decline in religion and morality that has come to America, I now look at Russia where individual achievement is honored and prayer and Bible instruction are welcomed in the classrooms.”

The U.S. and Russia have changed roles, he said, with the West becoming more and more oppressive and collectivist, while Russia and former Eastern Bloc nations are the new cradles of freedom.