
'Nirth Certifikit' Kooks Get a Write-Up at Politico

Shr_Nfr3/01/2009 5:38:22 pm PST

re: #405 LudwigVanQuixote

I would like to see climate models that reproduce the past from the historical data with reasonable accuracy. Alas, they do not. Until they do, I have a hard time betting the house on them.

I say this as somebody who has worked at one point in their life on the problem of remote sensing of temperature profiles, been a member of the AGU and the AMS. Is it possible that we can modify the climate? Well, maybe. Again, if you can give me a model that is something more than a thing that burns up cpu cycles doing your finite mesh differential equation solver that produces the wrong result for the K-27 grid, I’ll start to buy it.

They used to think there were witches. A lot of folks got hanged over that one. I just want more than a hand wave and a batch of dubious observations before I commit to bankrupting the country over stuff.

No problem with solar panels, wood stoves, high mileage cars and all the rest. But I want harder models before we ram everything down everyone’s throat.