
Overnight Open Thread

avanti5/12/2009 7:00:59 am PDT

re: #437 opnion

Wanda Sykes crossed the line when she wanted Limbaugh kidney failure.
The other thing is she is either uninformed or just willfully ignorant about Limbaughs remarks about wanting Obama to fail. It has been clarified over & over, he was saying that he wants America to succeed & if Obama is seeking to drive us to Socialism that he wants those efforts to fail.

I watched the whole video, and although I don’t agree with her logic, it went something like this:

Rush wants America to fail, then she said, that’s the same thing Osama wants.
Then she made the 20th hijacker comment.
She talked about Rush wanting us to fail in Iraq, folks to lose their homes and the rest, she said that was treason, and followed it with the kidney failure joke.
It’s not the first time a comic at a roast went too far for some, nor will it be the last.