
Herman Cain Harassment Victim's News Conference

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/04/2011 7:43:03 pm PDT

re: #460 Buck

Again, not true.

Companies will often acquiesce to the settlement demands even if they feel that the case has no merit. That is specifically why they insert the “No admission of guilt” and the “confidentiality clause”.

If you’re simply going to keep asserting “Yeah-huh”, then you needn’t bother. The reason those clauses are there are so that, as I said, in the cases where the claim might or might not be proveably true they don’t have to admit guilt. Or even in cases where they find that yes, it did indeed happen, so that they can avoid any more repercussions of that through the settlement. So, they may settle when there really is guilt and they’re aware of it.

Can you explain why Cain said he was “unaware of any settlement” and then said that he was aware of a settlement?