
Trump Fans Hold "Latino Outreach" Event in Los Angeles: "Operation Taco Bowl"

BeachDem8/29/2016 10:41:04 am PDT

Total eclipse of the sanity—derp convergence.

Andrea Mitchell (ugh) asks Ann Coulter (double ugh) for her thoughts about Huma and life after Anthony (like Coulter would have some tremendous insight—ugh) and actually says:

But obviously, the news that has just broken about Huma Abedin — I don’t know if you have a comment.”

…It’s hard to figure out what happens in anyone’s personal lives,” Mitchell opined. “But it obviously has political impact, which is why we are talking about it today.”

No, Mrs. Greenspan, you have it backwards—the only reason it will have political impact is because you decided to run your vile mouth about it today.