
Overnight Open Thread

Bullskin3/10/2009 3:08:08 am PDT

I’m a Christian and I believe in God and Jesus message, but do not believe in church no more the good as charity organization it can do. (i.e. Today many people which just can’t afford his daily bread, not only homeless, but thousands in Spain and increasing are being fed by the church and no other organization).

I found Mr. Falwel amusing and couldn’t get offended. My belief comes trough faith, and of course I understand others would have theirs. Creationism as is known today seems a vague explanation for me, and evolution present solid proofs but also have weak points. It seems that comets may have also inserted new DNA periodically in our not so closed system, the Earth.
This is the way that some pandemics like the flu one at the beginning of the XX century may have been originated, or why a plant called Cycas Revoluta appeared suddenly in the Mesozoic period and there is not any known previous family related to it.

I use to wonder how much we know. A 10% of the known Universe?. A 1% perhaps?. A 0.00000001% or a 10E-28 %. We just don’t know. And if we consider we are living in a four variable space, x, y, z and time, It also seems that the real Universe, the one we can not perceive has up to 11 variables. A vector space up to 11 variables.

Our perception give us a range of concepts we can create, know and figure. A triangle in our four variables space is a triangle, always has been and always would as long as our Universe exists, and if the Universe someday disappears, the triangle will still exist.
We, the homo sapiens have spend about 148000 years without knowing about this fancy geometrical form.
Now, given we know little about the whole, God might fit well in one of this unknown yet to know. Even in the variables we just can not perceive.

I like very much 2010. I think I can remember it says that the monolith is the compilation of a eons lasted civilization and the whole minds of its individuals and wisdom into one single and perfect thing.

As Saint Anselm of Canterbury pointed reason could well lead to a definition of God which can not be negated, not only as a concept. But as we say we don’t know if this would be possible in future, and if we could perceive it, unless, trough faith.
