
Sheriff Dupnik and the Right Wing Attack Machine

spiderx1/11/2011 5:51:59 pm PST

drudgereport is at it again

drudge links to a story from ABC news that details the President talking to victims families. The story mentioned that the President talked to the sheriff and thanked him for his cooperation with the FBI.

Drudge’s link to the story? “Obama thanks the sheriff…” This of course under the link “Sheriff blames Rush for shooting”. It’s all about creating an alternate narrative with these guys that damages their political enemies. Reality? They create their own reality.

the comment section at ABC news is full of right wing paranoia. Here’s an example

“So the Kenyan Marxist-in-chief calls to thank one his wild-eyed twisted minions for carrying out yet one more tactic of his mentor, Saul Alinsky. How very special! Did the jack@## call any of the falsely accused conservative Americans to apologize for the vitriol spewed at them by members of his own leftist democrat party and his precious freaks in the state-controlled media? I thought not.”