
Captain Marvel #1, May 1968

Walter L. Newton8/23/2010 8:12:24 am PDT

re: #454 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Just chopped up some veggies for wife, sauteed in butter… garlic… for pasta later.

Just a teeny tiny hint of the taste of my blood in it.

Should I tell her that I cut my thumb or leave it alone?

Note: I am HIV negative and she is not a vegetarian.

(June 2001, Burgundy, France)

Every one of our group had rotating duties at the Chateau. Preparing meals, cleaning up, setting the table and so on. The first week I was on after breakfast duty. That meant that I was required to do food preparation for that days dinner. Due to the mix of meat eaters and vegetarians, the vegetarians won out and all meals were meatless. I had baskets and baskets of extremely fresh French vegetables to cut up each day. They had to be fresh: remember that French ice shortage. I finally found something big in France (see category: small). It was the knives in the Chateau’s kitchen. I couldn’t find a paring sized knife anywhere. Here I was cutting garlic with a saber. I even managed to slice a few shards of skin off of my index finger. Don’t tell anyone but there was meat in that evening meal.

P.S. I heard that the vegetables that I had cut up for tonight were for a pot of Ratatouille. That perked me up for a moment. Thank goodness… meat. Than I found out that there was no rat in Ratatouille. Not even a small French one (see category: small).