
Herman Cain Harassment Victim's News Conference

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/04/2011 7:50:52 pm PDT

re: #462 Buck

He says he is differentiating between what he understood was an agreement versus a settlement.

No, Buck.

In an appearance at the National Press Club, Cain acknowledged that he had been accused of harassment, but said he’d been “falsely accused” and was “unaware of any settlement.”


“If the restaurant association did a settlement, I wasn’t even aware of it and I hope it wasn’t for much,” Cain said. “If there was a settlement, it was handled by some of the other officers at the restaurant association.”

And then:

“My general counsel said this started out where she and her lawyer were demanding a huge financial settlement,” Cain said, according to the Examiner. He told Van Susteren his accuser was given “maybe three months’ salary. I don’t remember. It might have been two months. I do remember my general counsel saying we didn’t pay all of the money they demanded.”

He said he wasn’t aware of it, and then said that he’d talked with the general counsel about the settlement. That’s a contradiction.

Your statement that “There is no company on earth that determines claims to be baseless and then pays up anyway; ” was a lie.

Then name a company that has done so.