
Sunday Evening Acoustic Awesomeness: Antoine Dufour, "1979"

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge7/04/2016 11:01:00 am PDT

re: #457 SteveMcGaziBolaGate RN

What part of “bad idea” don’t you understand? Powell and RIce had no ambitions for higher office. Clinton did. Boldfacing a child’s argument just makes the tantrum louder. At least you didn’t put it in all caps.
As a politician, Clinton should have known better. Since when is (are) politics fair? She has only herself to blame for this persistent cloud hanging over her campaign. I can’t understand why people are surprised about the way this is unfolding.

I’m sorry, but you’re a fucking moron.There’s nothing “childish” about it. Why in the fucking bejeezus shit would it occur to her to depart from standard practice? Quit saying shit like this! It’s painfully obvious you’re nothing but a GOP ratfucker at this point.