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darthstar3/07/2022 11:14:44 am PST

re: #454 Florida Panhandler

With this new Russian “near 100% deployed” info I wonder if Ukraine is somehow planning an offensive at this point, or if this is a good strategy at all.

I am no military strategist, but keeping the current meat grinder going instead of trying to gain lost ground at this point may be better than a costly mistake.

I don’t think an offensive is in order, outside of reclaiming property Russians may have obtained initially. Also, whenever I read something like the following, I wonder how many Russian tanks, helicopters, and howitzers are lost in the process…and soldiers.

The fact that we’re still running about 1,000 Russian soldier deaths per day tells you this is a cannon fodder attack. Putin is sacrificing as many lives as he can for his personal gain.