
Marcus King: "F*ck My Life Up Again" (Solo Acoustic Version)

piratedan2/22/2024 11:28:53 am PST

Since Dems are a broad coalition, more or less based on a consensus of sanity and fairness, I see VP Harris as a reflection of us. Accomplished woman of color, who’s had to succeed on an uneven playing field. She’s a strength to the ticket, not a weakness. It demonstrates that Dems mean what they say, its an inclusive party that is looking forward to present opportunity to everyone, no limits based on age, gender, creed… y’know the self-professed American ideals.

the fact that sooooo many people want a change is illustration of at least two things …
there’s still a great deal of misogyny out there and that her effectiveness and competency also scare the absolute crap of a lot of people.