
Another GOP Creationist with Presidential Hopes

Areopagitica9/29/2009 3:44:46 pm PDT

I don’t get it. After it was trounced in the midterm elections during Bush II’s 2nd term followed by vast gains of the democrats last november, why on god’s green evolving earth would the GOP stick with the same narrow minded, jokester candidates that lost in those elections?

We went from a fairly far right social conservative government to a very far leftist government. Why would the electorate want to go right back to the other extreme?

Mike Huckabee isn’t going to win. He is popular in a few southern states with large populations of social conservatives

Mitt Romney couldn’t even defeat John McCain in the primary and I question some of the statements he made during that primary.

Bobby Jindal looked like a deer in the headlights when he made that public speech responding to Obama’s state of the union address. His creationist anti-volcanologist platform isn’t going to sit well in states that sit on fault lines and/or have volcanoes…such as Washington, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Arizona…etc.

Don’t even get me started on that twit Sarah Palin. Why would anyone want to vote for a politician that has numerous financial related ethics problems, looked like a complete nutball and uneducated ditz on TV, spouts endless rants from the far-right play book and who quit her term as governor so she could sell some books that I will not waste money on at Borders to read.

Rick Santorum? OMG, please put the party that used to stand for lower taxes, defense, and capitalism and spending (within reason) out of its misery. Just what the GOP should run away from, another creationist Justice Sunday hack who infamously said that women belong at home cooking and cleaning. His role in the whole Terry Schaivo issue where he tried to undermine federalism to placate christian conservatives was shameful.

Any of these clowns will loose to Obama or Hillary in 2012 and it will be by a larger margin than what Obama defeated McCain by. If 2008 showed us anything, its that we live in a pretty much centralist country. Extremes don’t always go over to well and alienate a lot of prospective voters.

Iran is on the path toward militarism in a way we havent seen since the late 1930’s, the feds just broke up Zazi’s terrorist plot, our spending is nuts, people need health insurance that doesn’t involve the feds giving a handout, Student loans are out of control, the job market is in the toilet and some form of regulation needs to be put back on investment banks to prevent the behavior that caused the meltdown in the first place. Oh and Chicago wants the 2016 olympics. These issues are much greater in importance than so called judicial activism which runs rampant on both sides of the political spectrum, abortion-enough already, prayer in school, faith based federal programs, evangelicalism…etc.