
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

BryanS11/07/2009 9:38:04 pm PST

re: #449 recusancy

LOL.. Wait… You think the republican drug bill was a better way of doing it? None of it was paid for and the pharma companies wrote the damned thing so there wasn’t much in the way of price negotiations. If you think that legislation was fiscally responsible your nuts.

From Wikipedia

As of January 2008, total Medicare spending for prescription drug benefits was projected to drop from $40.5 billion in 2007 to $36 billion in 2008. One factor contributing to lower costs is the increased use of generic drugs.[4] Shortly after the release of the 2008 Medicare Trustees’ Report,[25] the Chief Actuary testified that the 10-year cost of Medicare drug benefit is 37% lower than originally projected in 2003, and 17% percent lower than last year’s projections.[26]

Seems like it was in fact a fiscally responsible way to manage the program.