
Video: Chasing the Ice

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/22/2009 9:13:15 pm PST

re: #460 Mark Winter

That’s an excellent video

It’s a message I have written about here many times. I get cranky at all the various people out there who believe that they have some right to confuse their beliefs and opinions with facts. The notion that everyone has an opinion is fine. Everyone has a bottom too.

Not everyone has taken the time to learn things and get the facts straight. And no, there are some things that you really don’t have a right to an opinion to, unless you know what the hell you are talking about. The example I use most is that you have no right to an opinion about how to crack a chest properly if you are not a thoracic surgeon. You also have no right to an opinion on how to design a nuclear reactor if you don’t know nuclear physics or an airfoil if you don’t know aeronautics.

Yet we have countless pundits out there trying to lecture scientists on what is and is not science when they can not even manage algebra consistently.