
Herman Cain Harassment Victim's News Conference

kirkspencer11/04/2011 7:51:59 pm PDT

re: #455 Buck

So you say. How long have you been working for the NRA? And why are so so sure of their policies from 15 years ago?

Oh? You read it on the internet? And you are not absolutely sure of the boardroom policies, or even if there might have been an agreement in advance of his term starting.

In small words… You don’t KNOW shit.

The current president/CEO of the NRA is Dawn Sweeney. She took office in 2007 and still holds it. That’s four years and counting.

She replaced Steven C. Anderson, who replaced Herman Cain in 1999. 1999 to 2007 is eight years. Eight is not a multiple of three. Eight is also larger than three.

Now let’s have some more fun. Herman Cain took the position of CEO for the NRA in December of 1996. (Mount Airy News) He was out of the position in September of 1999 — LESS than three years. (You have to pay to read the full article to find his name, but the online link if you want to get there is here.)

Interestingly and amusingly, the NYT spoke of Mr. Cain in August of 1999, in a fluff piece. No mention of his impending departure was made then. Sometime between August 1 and September 13, he became the “past” president of the “nice NRA”.

Tell you what. Your turn. Find something besides Cain’s word that he had an agreement to leave after 2 2/3 years, to make it an “end of term”.