
Onion: Bratz Dolls May Give Girls Unrealistic Expectations

mensamann1/23/2009 4:32:57 pm PST

Hey, let me ask a question. There have been some comments in this post that made me think about something I heard on the radio today. There is a local talk radio show on in my area that follows Beck and Rush. Today, he was talking about the new senate appointment in NY, and kept getting calls from people who wanted to talk about what we, the people, could do to stop government from taking away more of our freedoms. I was quite surprised to hear so many calls from people that eluded to revolution. I haven’t heard anyone come out and call openly for an armed uprising, but people in NY are equating this new soda pop tax to the tea tax that caused the Boston Tea Party. My question is does anyone else think the mind set of the average American may be shifting, moving towards a more revolutionary bent? Have you all been hearing more talk along these lines?