
Another Massive Windfall for Palestinians

Kosh's Shadow3/06/2009 10:03:11 am PST

re: #446 VioletTiger

They are giving Rush the biggest audience he ever had. They think they are going to take him down, but they are making him an icon.

Just like the woman who wanted to get “Married…With Children” off the air.
Her campaign got people to watch the show, and its ratings went way up.
Before her, it might have gotten canceled due to poor ratings.

Rush should contribute to the billboard campaign.

Years ago, Rocky and Bullwinkle had a story line about a hat which would make you smart. The hat was the “Kerwood Derby”. Derwood Kirby threatened to sue. Jay Ward, the producer, said “Go ahead. I’ll even pay for the lawyer. The publicity would be worth it.” The suit was dropped.