
Stunning High Resolution Video From the International Space Station: The World Below: Time-Lapse | Earth 2

Targetpractice1/06/2019 7:09:43 pm PST

re: #460 ObserverArt

How far do you let it all go before everyone would be bitching at the Democrats to do something to save them?

Even at a cost. Because that happens to good people dealing with the bad.

Where does politics end and concern for real people take over?

It isn’t going to come from Trump. Everyone has said he is a psychopath. Can’t count on that to change.

So how do you have a standoff with a psychopath? Especially one enabled by his party for who knows for what reason.

I want the Democrats to stay strong. But I also fear that could come at a high cost that will only increase.

If McCain and radicals like the Freedom Caucus continue to be willing to let it burn, do you let it burn?

If it got crazy enough I would hope the courts take over and ask US Marshals or Secret Service to intervene. What is really doable? I don’t know.

If it goes far enough some very drastic stuff is going to have to happen.

Democrats will have to do something and they will get blamed for a lot of it, as they always do.

What stops the Freedom Caucus from starting future fires? They’ve proven that the DNC will do anything to put the flames out if enough damage is done, so why would they hesitate if it gets them what they want in the end? Trump’s not going to stop at demands for $5B, he’s going to demand more and he’s going to start further fires to make it happen. Next time, it won’t be federal employees going without paychecks, it’ll be the nation defaulting on its debt and the economic holocaust that results from that. If the GOP think that the DNC will cave before they allow that to happen, do you think they’ll hesitate to demand more wall funding and threaten a default unless they get it?