
Some Christians Angry at Obama's 'Nonbelievers' Statement

Walter L. Newton1/25/2009 11:19:52 am PST

re: #461 Jimmah

I agree that there isn’t necessarily anything wrong with that, but nevertheless, there can be a hell of a lot wrong with it. It depends who your law-giving god happens to be, and/or how zealous the community of believers you are brought up among are. Islam, and the Phelps family are fine illustrations.

Well, that’s a circular argument. An atheist could get their “moral” from, oh, Charles Manson.

Of course it all depends on what the source is teaching. But we have enough examples of right and wrong to make decisions. That’s all of life in general.

You sound like you’re saying a belief in the supernatural is, well, sort of alright, but you’ve know something better.

Sounds like religion to me.